Okay, so this has been coming a long time. I apologize in advance, this is going to seem like an attack. It honestly isn't meant as one, but I think it's something that needs to be said.
The world has it's problems, I'll freely admit. Governments are corrupt or stupid, corporations are out of control, the climate is out of whack, the seas are polluted, everywhere, it seems, there is crime, want, violence, disease, and general weirdness. I get that.
Your response is entirely logical. You want to create a safe space for you and your family, fill it with food and medicine and guns and whatever else you think you'll need to deal with what is out there, and survive.
The question, in my opinion, that you don't seem to be asking is: And then what?
And then what?
Then do you crawl out of your shelter with your camouflage and assault rifle and eke out some miserable existence in what is left of the world? Do you see yourself, somehow, and the leader of some Mad Max future by virtue of having the foresight to "prep" for it? Have you thought about it at all, about what happens when the freeze dried food gives out and the Kero for the lanterns is gone? And then what?
Let me make a suggestion. You may not like it. It's not romantic, it's not macho, it's rather pedestrian and lame, but here it is. Why not use your capital, your considerable talents, and your inventiveness to help fix the world in which we're living, to help make it a better place? I know you probably won't be able to do it alone, but if you do and I do and a bunch of us do, then maybe, just maybe, we can avert the horrible future for which you are "prepping". Maybe we can image a world as we would like it, set our sights on that, and work toward it.
I know our visions would not match, but some parts of them surely would, and those are the ones most likely to come true. We could make a future, you and I and everyone else, for ourselves and our kids and the planet. We could do that.
Just a suggestion.